I went with the 160w semi flexible panel due to its low profile (2.5mm) and low weight (TBA).
Measuring 670 x 1370mm, the panel is good size as the eyelets align to the track of the pioneer platform on one side - the other side has just enough room to be attached to the right hand slat which I just ran a bead of silicone to keep in place. This still allowing access to the fixing groove.
To further secure the right hand side, the shovel holder overlaps and tightens over the panel.
Positioning wise, I fixed the panel 320mm from front of the platform which allows adequate use of the sunroof, and the rear roof top box.
One of the best things about the slimline panel is the ability to put the rooftop bag onto of it, full with the camping gear. When at site, unpack and remove the bag (which is only 8 clips) and boom – you are charging your batteries

Getting the thicker cable up with windowsill was a little more difficult.. I needed to cut a groove and
slot out of the rubber strip.
The Auto Electrician added an Anderson plug behind the backbone for quick connect / disconnect. This way, at camp I have the option of plugging in a lager panel without needing access to the engine bay.

So that setup lasted about 2 years.. then the panel started to delaminate. Over the courcse of around 6 months, the panel had lost 70% of it’s top layer… It was still pulling 1 amps in direct sun.. but down from up to 5amps which was previously optimal. 4 wheel drive supa centre had a deal for $100 including brackets for their 160w fixed panel, so I swapped it out in November 2023. Wanting to make the most of carting long items on the rack, I went with some slight modifications to add the brackets so it could be mounted length ways.

Solar Blanket & Anderson Plugs
When not using (or forgetting to plug in) a regulator, your solar panel generates up to 21V… if you connect directly to a battery it will destroy it very quickly.
Using red anderson plugs is a visual cue and safety prevention that the connection is not regulated.
Although there are many types of Anderson plugs, in Australia, the common use models are the grey and red. The red plugs are a slighly different mould. It is impossible to plug a red plug into a grey plug.
Does your panel(s) have an inbuilt regulator? If so, there is nothing to worry about.
If it’s not built in (have a plug in module) then it doesn’t take much to make a costly mistake.
First, check to see if your DC/DC has an inbuilt solar regulator. The Projecta IDC25 &l Redarc BCDC1225D do.
I wanted to use the Kings 200w solar blanket in the event that the car’s roof was under shade. I would simply unplug the roof panel, and plug in the solar blanket via an Anderson extension cable. If I wanted to do this I could cut off the ‘grey’ plug and replace with a ‘red’ plug on the solar blanket. If I did this, I would not be able to use the solar blanket to charge the camper trailer. Caravans / camper trailers typically have grey Anderson plug on them as only 12 volts is delivered from the car.
The only solution I could come up with was to purchase a red to grey cable adapter and a solar regulator (for the solar blanket when charging the camper trailer)
The risk is, to remember to use the regulator with charging the camper trailer.
Sounds simple, but I’m usually pretty inebriated when camping.Parts / Supplier / Price
Item | Supplier | Price |
160w Solar Panel 160w Fixed panel + brackets |
4WD Supa Center | $109 |
Miscellaneous Strut nuts x 3 |
Brisbane Fastners | $6 |
Fitting Solar Panel Anderson Plugs / Connectors |
Pine Rivers Car Electrics | $230 |